During the 2018 State HMP development process, the State of West Virginia developed goals to represent broad statements that will be achieved by implementing more specific, action-oriented policies or projects (i.e., mitigation actions/strategies). The 2018 goals were as follows:

  • Goal 1: Identify and implement projects to reduce or eliminate long-term risk, directly reduce impacts from hazards, and maintain critical societal functions. This includes reducing flood risk to repetitive loss and severe repetitive loss properties.
  • Goal 2: Incorporate mitigation concepts and objectives into existing and future policies, plans, regulations, and laws in the State.
  • Goal 3: Improve the quality and accessibility of data used in the hazard identification and risk assessment and analysis process in state and regional hazard mitigation plans.
  • Goal 4: Promote and support a whole community approach to awareness of hazards, their risk, and potential mitigation actions in order to increase resiliency.

For the 2023 State HMP update, the 2018 goals were reviewed and revised to improve clarity and reflect the State’s current priorities, risks, and capabilities. The goals will show what the State is trying to do through its HMP.