
The West Virginia Emergency Management Division (WVEMD) is leading the State of West Virginia Hazard Mitigation Plan (State HMP) update. The 2024 State HMP will serve as the State’s primary hazard mitigation guidance document, incorporating updated analysis of the State’s natural and manmade hazards, revising hazard mitigation goals and objectives, and identifying mitigation strategies and actions.

The 2024 State HMP Update will provide statewide guidance to reduce loss and prevent injury from natural hazards. The update is an opportunity to detail a variety of potential hazards that could affect our population and will also allow plan participants to be eligible for future mitigation funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The State HMP serves as the foundation for all other plans and planning processes in the State to integrate resilience and long-term risk reduction. It overall represents the State’s commitment to reducing or eliminating potential risks and impacts from disasters, strategically planning for the future, and becoming a more resilient state.

Under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Public Law 93-288), as amended, State, Tribal, and local governments are required to develop a hazard mitigation plan as a condition for receiving certain types of non-emergency disaster assistance, including Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC), and Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA).


Throughout the planning process, the State HMP Planning Committee will be focusing on a whole community approach by involving federal, state, local, non-governmental organizations, and the private-sector industry, individuals, families, and communities. Together, they will identify, support, influence, and align with the overall goal of creating a more resilient for all the people in West Virginia.

The goals for the 2024 State HMP update are as follows:

  • Identify and implement projects that will reduce or eliminate long-term risk, directly reduce impacts from hazards, and maintain critical societal functions. This includes reducing flood risk to repetitive loss and severe repetitive loss properties.
  • Incorporate mitigation concepts and objectives into existing and future policies, plans, regulations, and laws in the State.
  • Improve the quality and accessibility of data used in the hazard identification and risk assessment and analysis process in state and regional hazard mitigation plans.
  • Promote and support a whole community approach to awareness of hazards, their risk, and potential mitigation actions in order to increase resiliency.

We want to hear from you! To submit comments on the draft State of West Virginia Hazard Mitigation Plan, please write your comments in a Word document and email it to Stephanie Rosier at the West Virginia Division of Emergency Management by June 16, 2023. Please include the section number, page, and a description of the change you are requesting. Provide as much detail as possible. Thank you!
[email protected]