Hazard Mitigation Plans (HMP) are living documents that need to be reviewed, evaluated, implemented, and maintained. The State HMP Planning Team will continue to implement the 2023 HMP over the next five years and will develop a schedule for monitoring, evaluating, and updating the HMP.


Once FEMA approves the HMP, the State of West Virginia will need to formally adopt the plan. This is done by the highest elected official or designee. This shows that the State is invested in the process and provides the support to secure resources and rally investment in mitigation.


The 2023 State HMP will discuss the maintenance procedures and how the State will monitor, evaluate, and update the HMP. This will be done in a number of ways, including, but not limited to, tracking mitigation implementation, activities, and risk reduction; holding annual review meetings; presenting at conferences or events; maintaining mitigation information on the State website; and delivering training to help accomplish mitigation actions.